K-Where does the bot go? | Digipuzzle.net
K-Program the bot | Digipuzzle.net
Coding for Kids | Tynker
Kodable Game-2ndCODE robot30
Code Boogie — Google Santa Tracker
Made with Code | Google
Microsoft MakeCode
Video-Hour of Code
Grinch Game-Hour of Code
Candy Quest | Hour of Code | Tynker
Coding Galaxy
Puppy Adventure | Hour of Code | Tynker
Peep: Dance with Friends | Hour of Code | Tynker
Dance | Code.org
An Unusual Discovery - An Unusual Discovery - CS First
Minecraft | Code.org
Star Wars | Code.org
Create your own Google logo - Create your own Google logo - CS First
Scratch Music
Code Your Hero Student Activities - CS First
Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better
Repl.it - The world's leading online coding platform
Code Club-Raspberrypi
Build Virtual Building Blocks | Art & Design Activity for Kids | Toy Theater
ScratchJr - Home
Coding For Kids: Links
Here are 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free
The Dragon Quest - Code Challenge - CodeWizardsHQ
Pencil Code
Bits 'n' Bricks-Code the Legos
CODE.org K-5
CODE.org Grades 6-8 | Code.org
Microsoft MakeCode Arcade
TKP-teaching kids programming
Learn Swift 5 for Beginners
Learn Swift | Codecademy